Gateway service based on Zuul proxy server from Netflix handles all the HTTP requests between the CMS Frontend and the whole back-end architecture.
To run
$ mvn spring-boot:run
It's necessary to add some properties with the URL to the back-end orbit applications into the configuration file before running the application
- Triton port number
- CMS users-admin application URL
- CMS Galatea application URL
- CMS SAO application URL
A docker image can be run by setting up the properties to the back-end orbit applications
$ docker run -t -i -e 'ZUUL_ROUTES_CMSUSERS_URL=http://localhost:8081' -e 'ZUUL_ROUTES_GALATEA_URL=http://localhost:8082' -e 'ZUUL_ROUTES_SAO_URL=http://localhost:8000' -p 9000:9000 joelgtsantos/cms-triton:latest