#AngularMessages - Rails/Angular Project

This Flatiron Learn.co final project uses Rails to create a backend API that is consumed by an AngularJS front-end. The main idea of the app is re-capture some of the experience of sending a physical note or letter -- an anticipated but ultimately unknown exact delivery date, the inability to respond immediately -- in an electronic messaging service.

This project uses several off-the-shelf resources including Angular Bootstrap Components, Angular UI Router, Devise and SearchKick among others.


If you haven't yet, install Ruby and Bundler.

Then, run the following in your command line:

git clone https://github.com/joelim01/angular-messages
cd angular-messages
bundle install
install postgres and create a new db user named angular-messages
install elasticsearch
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
bower install

Then, run rails s to start up a local server and view the app at localhost:3000 in your browser.

##Contributor's Guide

Third party contributions are always welcome! To flag an issue, file a ticket on angular-messages, and provide a detailed explanation of the issue(s). Your feedback is very much appreciated.


Copyright (c) 2016 Joseph Lim