
A web app with React

Primary LanguageJavaScript


$ git clone https://github.com/joelin109/web-app-re.git

$ cd web-app-re

$ npm install

/*  Modified for node_modules/material-ui/Drawer/Drawer.js (Line 237)  */
width: this.props.width >= 736 ?  '100%' : this.props.width || theme.width,
left: this.props.width >= 736 ? 'auto' : 0,
top: this.props.open ? 0 : -10000,


$ npm run dll

$ npm run i

open www/index.html with browser

$ npm run a

open www/admin.html with browser

/*  Modified the setting, devtool ('eval' or 'cheap-module-source-map') in webpack.congfig.*.js  */