
An Emacs configuration inspired by the features of emacs-live by Sam Aaron, but minimal and built from scratch (requires Emacs 25 or later)

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


From init.el:

;; An Emacs configuration inspired by the features of emacs-live by
;; Sam Aaron.  A configuration for Clojure, Terraform, bash, and more.
;; My goal here is to create a leaner configuration than emacs-live -
;; one that has similar useful minor modes and configuration for Clojure
;; but starts more quickly and allows me to use the latest cider (&
;; family).


  • Remove any existing ~/.emacs.d
  • Clone this repo: cd; git clone git@github.com:joelittlejohn/.emacs.d.git
  • Start Emacs (packages will be installed and configured automatically)