A component's library helping us build great products for our customers. This library for Vue 3.x
Qui for Vue 2.x is here!
What is it?
- 🔩 30+ Vue 3 components
- 🔥 Fully written with Composition API
- 🔑 Typescript
- 📦 icons pack
- 🏳️🌈 colors & grid
- 🥷 neumorphism styles
- 📚 storybook sandbox
Some examples below:
npm install @qvant/qui-max -S
yarn add @qvant/qui-max
You can import Qui entirely, or just import what you need. Let's start with fully import.
In main.js:
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import Qui from '@qvant/qui-max';
import '@qvant/qui-max/styles';
const app = createApp(App);
// Setup all components
// that's it! All components will be imported with styles
in YourComponent.vue: (Example)
<q-input v-model="value" />
import { ref } from 'vue';
export default {
setup() {
const value = ref('');
return { value };
Configure setup:
- import styles separately to avoid unused css
- set customI18nMessages to support any language for components
- change zIndex of appeared components (e.g Dialogs, Notifications, Dropdowns etc.)
- control setup of components
In main.js:
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import { createQui, QButton } from '@qvant/qui-max';
// import required styles
import '@qvant/qui-max/css/main';
import '@qvant/qui-max/fonts';
import '@qvant/qui-max/icons';
// import the only styles of component you gonna use
import '@qvant/qui-max/css/q-button';
const Qui = createQui({
localization: {
// Russian language by default, you can set `en` for English
locale: 'en',
customI18nMessages: {
// rewrite default texts, see the source: src/qComponents/constants/locales
en: {
QDatepicker: {
placeholder: 'Pick your birthday!'
// zIndexCounter is being used by some components (e.g QPopover, QSelect, QDialog ...etc)
// 2000 by default
zIndexCounter: 3000
Now you have implemented Vue and Qui Max to your project, and it's time to write your code. Please refer to each component's Stories to learn how to use them.
- Russian ✅
- English ✅
- Also you can use any language by setting texts for components via 'customI18nMessages' property in the Qui instance. See the example above.
Modern browsers are recomended
- safari: >11
- chrome: >=61
- firefox: >=58
- opera: >=62
- edge: >=16
- yandex: >=18
- ie: ? (we don't know :) and will not support it)
Clone repository and run storybook
yarn storybook
npm run storybook