- Source code of flutter Project
- In REST API the authentication and0 Video calling Part is finished 1 day before hackthon Starts, the rest part is completed during period of 12-13 December 2020
- In Predicton API all models are using
Random forest classifier algorithm
for diffrent data sets - Data Set is from Kaggle
There are two folders :
1. prediction-api
2. rest-api
Its a ML api used for prediction its based on Python Flask
- Create a Virtual env:
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv my_name
- Install all plugins:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run
python app.py
Its Now avlable on http://XXX.X.X.1:5000
- Create a file for intialize env varibles:
- Configure these variables
"env": {
"MONFO_ATLS_PW": "<Mongo-Db-Password>",
"JWT_KEY": "<Databse-Key>",
"appid": "<Agora Appid>",
"token": "<Agora token>",
"channel": "medic",
"accountSid": "<Twilio Account SID>",
"authToken": "<Twilio Auth Token>",
"service": "<Twilio Service ID>",
"Twilio_phone":<Twilio Number>
- Install Module
npm install
- Run
npm start
Its now avilable on http://localhost:3000/
Request : http://XXX.X.X.1:5000/predict??type=liver
"Total Bilirubin": "1",
"Direct_Bilirubin": "2",
"Alkaline_Phosphotase": "3",
"Alamine_Aminotransferase": "4",
"Total_Protiens": "5",
"Albumin": "6",
"Albumin_and_Globulin_Ratio": "7"
Request : http://XXX.X.X.1:5000/predict??type=heart
"cp": "2",
"trestbps": "62",
"chol": "68",
"fbs": "0",
"restecg": "1",
"thalach": "98",
"exang": "1"
Request : http://XXX.X.X.1:5000/predict??type=kidney
"Year": "54",
"sg": "54",
"al": "54",
"su": "54",
"rbc": "54",
"pc": "54",
"pcc": "54"
Request : http://XXX.X.X.1:5000/predict??type=diabetes
"Pregnancies": "56",
"Present_Price": "546",
"BloodPressure": "546",
"BMI": "65",
"DiabetesPedigreeFunction": "56",
"Age": "56"
Request : http://XXX.X.X.1:5000/predict??type=cancer
"concave points_mean": "87",
"area_mean": "87",
"radius_mean": "6",
"perimeter_mean": "7",
"concavity_mean": "68"
"data": "0",
"status": "ok"