
An app for churches and soul winning clubs to create, manage, and track soul winning events.

Primary LanguageDart


An app for churches and soul winning clubs to create, manage, and track soul winning events.

Setting up the project

/// To run the project, create a file lib/configuration/secret_configs.dart with the content: /// dart /// const String HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_KEY = /// '<HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_KEY>'; /// /// Replace the values with the corresponding actual secrets

Downloading the new GraphQL schema and regenerating dart code

/// Run the following command in the terminal: /// bash /// cd lib/data/graphql && /// gq https://winsouls-prod.hasura.app/v1/graphql -H 'X-Hasura-Access-Key: secretaccesskey' --introspect > schema.graphql && /// cd ../../.. && /// dart run build_runner build ///