
Coding Challenge for application to Guild Education

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Guild Chat

Guild Chat is an API integrated with MongoDB to stand up a simple messaging application

Table of Contents

  1. Installation and Usage
  2. Configuration
  3. Routes
  4. Notes
  5. Author

Installation and Usage

Prerequisites: Node.js (>=12.14.0)

You can clone this repo:

$ git clone https://github.com/joelkperkins/guild-chat.git

Then, install

$ git npm install

After that, you can run Guild Chat like this:

$ npm start


After cloning Guild Chat, you'll have a config.js file in your directory. In it, you'll see some rules configured like this:

  port: 3000,
  db: <INSERT DB URI>,

The default db string and the chatroom name will work for testing.


GET /messages

Get all messages in database sent in last 30 days, limited to 100. Send a GET to /messages to retrieve all messages.

 * @apiRoute get '/messages' Gets all messages sent by users within 100 days, limited to 100
 * @apiSuccess {object[]} Array of message objects

GET /messages/between?to=&from=

Gets all messages sent between two users within 100 days, limited to 100. Send a GET to /messages?to=<string>&from=<string> with added url query parameters indicating the users whose conversation you would like to retrieve.

 * @apiRoute get '/messages/between' Gets all messages sent between two users within 100 days, limited to 100
 * @apiQueryParam {string} to - user who recieved the message
 * @apiQueryParam {string} from - user who sent the message
 * @apiSuccess {object[]} Array of message objects

POST /chat

Send a message to another user. Send a POST to /chat with a body containing the sender, recipient, and message. The message is saved and can be retrieved with the GET routes.

 * @apiRoute POST '/send' Send a chat message to another user
 * @apiBody {object} { to: {string}, from: {string}, message: {string} }
 * @apiSuccess {String} Confirmation of sent message, returns ID of message

PUT /chat/react

React to a message received. Send a PUT to /chat/react with a body containing the ID of the message to react to and reaction string. This reaction is saved with the message.

Currently accepted reactions are:

'like' 'dislike"

 * @apiRoute PUT '/react' User reacts to a message they received
 * @apiBody {object} { messageId: <string>, reaction: <string>} Object containing id of message and reaction ('like/dislike')
 * @apiSuccess {String} Number of updated messages


Our Demo Mongo database will eventually run out of space. Please dont spam messages while testing. 100 stars and we will add a delete function.


Joel K. Perkins