
The DataSynthesis Platform and all relevant solutions for it

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


DataSynthesis is intended to be a comprehensive platform for synthetic (fictitious) data. Within this code repository is represented by a different high level directory and within each of these directories is some artifact that can be used. Within various repositories once they are downloaded these directories can be individually opened and the code within them managed, modified and run.

Within this solution please find a few specific directories:

  • platform-addons: contains the Insomnia JSON files so you can simply import them into Insonmia. This can be used if you want to leverage an API tool to test the APis with.
  • DataTier - all the supported Data Tiers and ANY specific content is contained within this directory.
    • MySQL: The current RDBMS implementation is MySQL 8, that is where ALL the effort has been placed.
    • Postgres: We have a functional DDL (might be slightly dated) amd data load scripts. We are also working through some database issues specific to the ORM layer. We will continue to
    • SnowFlake: This has a valid DDL and dataload scripts. They are just not optmized at all!!
  • Java-APIs - This is a newer effort developed in Quarkus to provide the platform APIs. This also contains all the needed services as we rebuild them to manage and do platform tasks.

DataSynthesis Specific Projects

Each Directory/Project has specific Readme.md files that are intended to cover specifics of the particular capabilities.

History of DataSynthesis

DataSynthesis was born after its creator received three patents for de-identification. Its sole intent is to provide a comprehensive reusable hybrid platform for anyone in need of massive amounts of data for development, testing or other data related activities. The key to the entire platform is ALL the data that is provided within it initially is completely fictitious and was at some time publicly available.

As you read through this content and think "There's no way there's that much data within it our of the box?" Just think about how data is constructed. Because the core of the system is about data attributes that enables us to legitimately use a force multiplier for data elements. Aldo, keep in mind that we have core tables in place to store lots of these options as well.

A few examples of how to look at the base data provided:

  • Names: The construct of a name is by at a minimum combining a first name and last name. The base platform contains almost 300k first names and almost 600k last names. So, out of the box that means it has well over 16.5B name combinations.
  • Addresses: Addresses are constructured from an Street Adrress and a location (City/State/Zip). We also have international zip codes but have not found an open source. Because Addresses are generated within the platform and can have up to 6 potential output styles. However, if you have 70k initial addresses and the platform comes with all 43k zip codes in the US then that means you have 301M combinations to start with.

While we can go on and on you get the idea, there is a TON of data here initially. Also, keep in mind the platform has a large series of data generator so these can be run to grow the base data, the only limitation is your storage and processing!!!!

What is Data Synthesis

For years companies have focused on most aspects of development, from the tooling to developing the next generation of solutions to support their business needsand provide value. As everyone in the software development and delivery industry has seen development processes might be the same but the tools and capabilities that can now be delivered have grown exponentially in the last few years alone. So with all these new capabilities whats the next step after the software is crafted? What advancements have been made in testing processes, that yield better software more rapidly, that is more usable from the outset, with fewer risks to your data? No many!!!! Data and testing always seems to be viewed as the same practice and processes from decades ago. How and why is this the case? Data is the electricity that powers business and the cornerstone of companies’ success in the digital era. With data being so critical what is your companies focus on the need for meaningful testing data? Any thoughts or strategic initiatives towards becoming a test data-driven organization? A test data-driven organization is an organization that can leverage data for their testing needs and that data accurately represents their needs. To be a data-driven organization requires an overarching testing data culture that couples a number of elements, including high-quality production like data, broad access and data literacy along with appropriate data-driven decision-making governance and guidance processes. Companies that are successful in this space are quick at using data for all aspects of their business needs successfully and are quick to spot opportunities, quick to assess ideas and adapt quickly to test, learn and drive future capabilities and needs from these experiences.

A data-driven organization does not have to come at a high price. While it sounds complicated it really involves providing businesses a means for data collection, cleansing, hosting and maintenance data while mitigating the risk of a data breach thru comprehensive testing processes and practices. Data-driven organization can innovate continuously because they understand and can embrace new business models quickly. As we think about how organizations mostly test today its by hooking up production feeds to test systems and typically getting sign-offs from security and various other IT management officers. Why should orgainzations risk data breaches or the potential leakage of PHI (in healthcare) or PII (In any other industry) ? In today's technology world these old practices does not make ANY practical sense. We introduced a new and different way to be able to innovate within a data-driven organization, synthetic data.

Synthetic data is defined as "any production data applicable to a given situation that are not obtained by direct measurement" according to the McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms; where Craig S. Mullins, an expert in data management, defines production data as "information that is persistently stored and used by professionals to conduct business processes." With these definitions it is easy to understand the creation of synthetic data is an involved process that can be achieved by numerous measures and ways. Our way was to create a platform to synthesize data (Data Synthesis) for multiple needs based on items like industry standards, vendor data models, custom defined models all in an on-demand manner.

The Data Synthesis platform is designed to generate, leverage and build upoin one hundred percent freely available information and augment or construct it for various business needs. In no way is anything produced from data synthesis native production data. The idea for Data Synthesis is in NO WAY new or unique, it comes from the struggle that every organization with every resource on every project I have ever worked on. There are always struggles with getting and using real-world representative data. While there are several potential offerings that might help, they all have issues or varying limitations. So how do you get comprehensive, high quality synthetic data, that is as close to your production data as possible? Data Synthesis purpose is to help create a test data platform that supports:

  • Enterprise-wide data,
  • Industry standards,
  • Vendor-specific, and custom-designed data and models,
  • On-demand access (tDaaS),
  • External data from any source,
  • Microservices/API access,
  • Any/multiple layers of metadata
  • Leverage the latest technology and be able to build out capabilities that accurately represent production data without exposing it

This technology is intended to democratize complex industry standards metadata and enable efficiency in the testing and validation process of technology.

Licensing and Pricing Model

Data Synthesis has always intended to be operated under the open/community source model. This means we are providing the code for
community enhancements and improvements to support the growth of underlying data access capabilities. The code assets include the
Web UI, APIs and the core repository patterns used to access the data structures offered within the platform. DataSynthesis
open source licensing model is Apache 2.0.

Data Offering(s) Within the Platform

Data is the key part of this technology. DataSynthesis is built on the concept of data attributes - core data the platform has in it.
Data attributes are the center piece of the the platform and the platform is geared around supporting, sustaining and growing these.
The key part to the platform and its capabilities is how we tie data attributes into something larger and reuseable, data structures.
To support this within DataSynthesis we built in support for composite data structures. This means platform users can develop these and
they will be able to be distributed to others within the technology. Our intent was to simply provide a mechanism where these structures
could be leveraged and then easily offered within the technology.

The platform currently has the following data attributes available within it:

  • Account Numbers
  • Addresses
  • Area Codes
  • Bank Accounts
  • Bank Routing Numbers
  • Companies
  • Credit Cards
  • Date of Birth
  • Drivers License Number (50 State compliant formats)
  • Employer Identification Numbers
  • Names (Last and First) (First Names contain Gender)
  • Phone Numbers
  • Social Security Numbers
  • UPC Codes
  • Zip Codes

Composite data structures are always being created; however, a few composite data strucutres are:
  • Account List
  • Corporate Demographics
  • Personal Demographics
  • Products

How is Data Synthesis a Platform?

This technology is designed around enabling capabilities. Capabilities are built as subsystems, this
design enables various features to be delivered for capabilities to be addressed. These subsystems
together form the entire software platform.

  • Platform Administration
  • Platform Generated Data
  • Platform Leveraged Data
  • Platform Composite Data
  • Platform Data: Healthcare
  • Platform Data: Vendor Relational Data

Enjoy and Happy Coding!!!