Power-Up With Tekton Pipelines

Pearson training, December 16 2020.


  • Welcome
  • How this will work
  • What we will cover
  • About me
  • Installing necessary tools
    • minikube
    • kubectl
    • tkn
    • Tekton
    • VS Code tooling


  • What is a Task
  • What is a Step
  • What is a TaskRun
  • Tekton official Task catalog
  • Parameters
  • Shared volumes


  • Create a simple Task (1.yaml)
  • Add parameters to a task (2.yaml)
  • Add multiple steps to a task
  • Shared volume between steps (3.yaml)


  • Create your own task that outputs a log (4.yaml)
  • Stretch goal (5.yaml)
    • Add a second sleep step to your task with a parameter for the number of seconds
    • Add a second parameter to the task for the name of the person to greet


  • What is a Pipeline
  • What is a PipelineRun
  • Parameters
  • Task Order
  • VS Code Pipeline visualizer


  • Create a simple pipeline with two tasks (6.yaml)
  • Add Parameters to Pipelines (7.yaml)
  • Reorder Tasks (8.yaml)
  • Re-use Tasks (9.yaml)


  • Given the tasks in 10.yaml, create an optimal pipeline to make a PB&J sandwich (11.yaml)
  • Stretch goal:
    • Add a parameter to the Pipeline to echo who is eating the sandwich (12.yaml)


  • A quick note on PipelineResources


  • What is a Workspace
  • Types
  • PVs and PVCs
  • Using a PipelineRun for template


  • Create a read and write task
  • Create a Pipeline that writes then reads from the Workspace (13.yaml)
  • Create a PV/PVC to be used with the pipeline (14.yaml)
  • Create a PipelineRun with a Workspace template (15.yaml)



  • A quick note about Conditions
  • What is a WhenExpression


  • Create a greet task and a compliment task
  • Create a pipeline that greets the person specified in the parameters and compliments depending on the name (18.yaml)


  • Modify the last Pipeline to output a warning if the branch that is requested in the git clone task is development (19.yaml)


  • Tekton Triggers
  • OpenShift Pipelines Demo

Putting it together

  • Deploy an application using a Tekton Pipeline
    • Git Clone
    • Run npm test
    • Run npm lint
    • Push to registry


What is CI/CD https://www.redhat.com/en/topics/devops/what-is-ci-cd Continuous Delivery Foundation https://cd.foundation Tekton https://tekton.dev Git https://git-scm.com VS Code https://code.visualstudio.com Tekton extension for VS Code https://github.com/redhat-developer/vscode-tekton Docker https://www.docker.com/get-started Podman (alternative to Docker) https://podman.io Kubectl https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/ Minikube https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/ Tekton CLI tool https://github.com/tektoncd/cli/releases Tekton Installation https://tekton.dev/docs/getting-started Tekton Task Catalog https://hub-preview.tekton.dev


Segment 1: Introduction to CI/CD and Tekton 30 minutes Segment 2: Installing Tekton on minikube 20 minutes Q&A/Break 10 minutes Segment 3: Building a Task 25 minutes Segment 4: Building a Pipeline 25 minutes Q&A/Break 10 minutes Segment 5: Adding Resources 25 minutes Segment 6: Introducing Workspaces and Conditions 25 minutes Q&A/Break 10 minutes Segment 7: Build Your Own Pipeline 1 hour