
Simple blog with dockerized vuejs + vuetify

Primary LanguageVue

Getting started

You will need Docker and Docker-Compose installed to build this application.

Run the commands below on your favorite terminal inside the project folder:

docker-compose up -d

Then access http://localhost:8080/.


For this project is needed an API with these responses:

GET /post

    "data": [{
         "id": "5da103b68fd12569d573bf73", 
          "title": "Exercitationem et suscipit eius similique.",
         "body": "Eum inventore laborum ea culpa voluptatem vel. Repellendus rerum nemo odit consequatur occaecati et. Deleniti vel at quo molestiae dignissimos libero culpa.",
         "created_at": "1970-01-19T02:01:36+00:00",
    "success": true

GET /post/{id}

    "data": {
         "id": "5da103b68fd12569d573bf73", 
          "title": "Exercitationem et suscipit eius similique."
         "body": "Eum inventore laborum ea culpa voluptatem vel. Repellendus rerum nemo odit consequatur occaecati et. Deleniti vel at quo molestiae dignissimos libero culpa.",
         "created_at": "1970-01-19T02:01:36+00:00"
    "success": true

Make sure that you signed the correct value in .env file.