
A personal, project and organizational task manager

Primary LanguageRuby


A personal, project and organizational task manager

Pureset is built upon the idea that no matter what kind of task management you use, every task is essentially the same thing; simply a unit of work - be that a project, a bug or a ToDo.

A ticket is a bug, a bug is a task, a task is a ToDo...

So if the above is true, and everything in Pureset is a task, then we can begin to create highly customised experiences for any type of task, and work flow.

Project Types

A task could be a software bug, or it could be a marketing task. Because of this, a Project must be defined as a particular type. For example, a software development project, or a marketing project.

Once this is known about the project, each of it's tasks can then be customised accordingly.

For example, a task in a Software Development Project could require additional approval before it can be closed and marked as done, such as QA or a code review.

  • Project (default)
  • Software Development Project

Task Contexts

Every task is based upon the context they were created within. For example, if an task is created while looking at a project, then that task will be automatically associated with that project, and will have a context of "project".

The following contexts exist:

  • User
  • Project
  • Organization

User Context

Tasks created with a User context have a type of "ToDo", and consist of a "Summary" as a minimum. They are intended as a personal ToDo list.

Project Context

A Project context based task requires a summary, and can be one of the following types:

  • Task (default)
  • Bug
  • User Story ?

Task States - Open or Closed?

Every task is either Open or Closed, and every task has one State. The available states will vary depending on whether the Task is open or closed.

  • Open
    • ToDo (default)
    • Doing
  • Closed
    • Done (default)
    • Duplicate - requires another task ID as a reference
    • Won't do - requires a reason (as a comment?)




  • Tasks
  • Bugs
  • Ready Hidden until an item from one of the other columns is dragged. On mobile, when an item is swiped right, it will be added to the bottom the Ready column.



  • Ready
  • Doing
    • Paused/Waiting
  • Done
    • Dev Complete
    • Dev approved
  • QA |
    • QA Ready |
    • QA in progress | Enabled with the QA module (later)
    • QA approved |
    • QA rejected |
  • Shipped (closed)