
Projects to demo Conversion/Refactoring/Paterns in angular 1.x to Typescript

Primary LanguageC#


Projects to demo Conversion/Refactoring/Paterns in angular 1.x to Typescript

Step 1:

  1. Use TSD to install TS definition files from DefinitelyTyped
  2. Reference Typings via generated tsd.d.ts file
  3. Ignore angular-scenario

Step 2:

  1. Use typelite to share models between .net and ts
  2. Refactor service to use typed promises
  3. Refactor service to class/interface pair
  4. Consume new service interface in controller
  5. Tooling demo- refactor di property name

Step 3:

  1. Create interface for controller scope
  2. Refactor controller to class