Uploadr.py ========== UPDATE - This script has been going around for a few years now. My best effort to track it is at the end of my post at http://joelgil.com/2011/10/uploading-photos-to-flickr-via-command-line-for-n00bs/ Hope this helps anyone out there. Description ----------- Uploadr.py is a simple Python script for uploading your photos to Flickr. Unlike many GUI applications out there, it lends itself to automation; and because it's free and open source, you can just change it if you don't like it. Authentication -------------- To use this application, you need to obtain your own Flickr API key and secret key. You can apply for keys `on the Flickr website <http://www.flickr.com/services/api/keys/apply/>`_. When you have got those keys, you need to set environment variables so that they can be used by this application. For example, if you use Bash, add the following lines to your ``$HOME/.bash_profile``:: export FLICKR_UPLOADR_PY_API_KEY=0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef export FLICKR_UPLOADR_PY_SECRET=0123456789abcdef License ------- Uploadr.py consists of code by Cameron Mallory, Martin Kleppmann, Aaron Swartz and others. See ``COPYRIGHT`` for details.