
A simple API for managers & their subordinates.

Primary LanguagePython

Managers-Subordinates API

This is a simple API for showing managers and their respective subordinates (people who report directly to them).

Getting Started.

Before getting started, you will need to have Python 3.9+ installed. Once done follow the steps below:

  1. To get started, fork and clone this repository.
  2. Run pipenv install to install the project dependencies, and pipenv shell to activate your virtual environment.
  3. Set the environment variables as follows:
export FLASK_APP=server/app.py
export FLASK_RUN_PORT=8000
  1. You will then nee to run the migrations. To do this, use flask db upgrade head. This will create the database and tables in the database.

  2. Now run the command flask run` to have the app run on port 8000.

API Endpoints Available.

These are the various endpoints available:

1. Subordinates

This is an endpoint for reading and creating new subordinates.

GET /subordinates


    "name": string,
    "manager_id": string
Status Code Description
200 Successful
POST /subordinates
Parameter Type Description
name string Required. A subordinate's name
manager_id integer Optional. The subordinate's manager


    "name": string,
    "manager_id": integer,
Status Code Description
201 OK

Technologies Used.

  1. Flask


Made with ♥️ by Joel Nyongesa