
Control any Fire TV or any Android device on your network via ADB

Primary LanguageRust

Build Status

Control any Fire TV or Fire TV Stick on your network via your terminal.

Note: This should more or less work with any Android-based device. I haven't tested any others but you should be able to hijack your kid's tablet or your spouse's phone. Control that screen time! 😉


  • ADB installed & on your path
  • Your Fire TV device has ADB enabled (this opens port 5555)
  • You know your Fire TV's IP Address


  • Connect
joel@Joels-iMac firetv-controller (master) $ cargo run <your-firetv-ip:5555>
* daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037
* daemon started successfully
connected to <your-firetv-ip:5555>
What key would you like to press? (q to quit)
  • Control (up, down, left, right, enter, back, home, menu, play, pause)
    • up
    • down
    • left
    • right
    • enter
    • back
    • home
    • menu
    • play
    • pause
  • Documentation