Demo Google Sheets

Demonstration of Google Sheets.


We want to calculate the sum of transaction amounts.

We have:

  • Sheet1 is a typical sheet.

  • The first row is header names.

  • One of the header names is "Amount".

We want:

  • Look up the column name by using the sheet name and the column header name.

Example of what we want to write:

=SHIFT(query(Sheet1!A:Z, "
select SUM("&COLN("sheet1","amount")&")

Remove auto-generated headers

To remove the automatically generated header row from a result when using a data manipulation function with QUERY, set an empty LABEL for each of the data manipulation functions.


=query(Sheet1!A:Z, "
select SUM("&COLN("sheet1","amount")&") 
 label SUM("&COLN("sheet1","amount")&") ''

Set an empty LABEL to each instance of data manipulation, i.e. AVG(C). When all headers are empty, Google Sheets prints out a range with no headers.

Real-world example:

=query(Transactions!A:Z, " select YEAR("&COLN("transactions", "date")&"), SUM("&COLN("transactions", "amount")&") group by YEAR("&COLN("transactions", "date")&") label SUM("&COLN("transactions", "amount")&") '', YEAR("&COLN("transactions", "date")&") '' ")

## Named functions

### COLN

Menu → Data → Named Functions

Name: COLN


* sheetname
  * Description: Sheet name
  * Example: Sheet1.
* colname 
  * Description: Column name
  * Example: Id

Formula definition:

="Col"&XMATCH(colname, INDIRECT("'"&sheetname&"'!1:1"))


=COLN("Sheet1","Id") => 1


Menu → Data → Named Functions



* list
  * Description: list of items
  * Example: [a, b, c]

Formula definition:

=index(list, 2, 1)


=SHIFT([a, b, c]) => [b, c]