
SMART criteria for goals, objectives, plans, etc.

SMART criteria

SMART criteria for goals, objectives, plans, tasks, etc.:

  • Specific: target one area clearly and precisely.
  • Measurable: quantify progress toward success by using metrics.
  • Actionable: ready to start and possible to accomplish.
  • Relevant: connected to what's being done, considered, and/or resourced.
  • Timely: occurring at a favorable or useful time and opportune.

Wikipedia: SMART critera


Target one area clearly and precisely.


  • Strategic: relating to the identification of long-term or overall aims and interests and the means of achieving them.


Quantify progress toward success by using metrics.


  • Motivating: stimulate interest in, or enthusiasm for, doing something.


Ready to start and possible to accomplish.


  • Achieveable, Accomplishable, Attainable: can be successfully completed.
  • Assignable: can be given to a person or team who are responsible.
  • Agreed: discussed or negotiated and then accepted by all parties.
  • Action-oriented: willing or likely to take practical action to deal with a problem or situation.
  • Ambitious: intended to satisfy high aspirations and therefore difficult to achieve.
  • Aligned: coming together in agreement or alliance.


Connected to what else is being done or considered.


  • Realistic: having or showing a sensible and practical idea of what can be achieved or expected.
  • Resourced: provided with materials, money, staff, and other assets necessary for effective operation.
  • Reasonable: sensible, appropriate, and fair.
  • Results-based: focused on valuable outcomes.


Occurring at a favorable or useful time and opportune.


  • Trackable: can be tracked, or monitored, or analyzed.
  • Time-based, time-bound, time-boxed, time-limited: for a specified amount time.
  • Time-sensitive: has to be done by a particular time, or in a particular period.
  • Timeframe: a period of time, especially a specified period in which something occurs or is planned to take place.
  • Testable: able to be tested or tried.