
Full stack application for task management.

Obs.: This is a technical challenge for "Ebytr" company.

Expected features in the challenge:

  • View the task list
  • This list must be sorted alphabetically, by date created or by status
  • Insert a new task in the list
  • Remove a task from the list
  • Update a task from the list
  • The task must have an editable status: pending, in progress or ready

Tech Stack

Front-end: TypeScript, Next.js, Sass

Back-end: TypeScript, NestJS, Prisma ORM, Joi OSV, Jest

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file


DATABASE_URL Example: mysql://db_user:db_password@localhost:db_port/eztasks

Reference: Prisma - Connecting your database


Install my-project with npm

  git clone git@github.com:joelsalmeida/eztasks.git
  cd eztasks
  cd back-end && npm install
  cd ../front-end && npm install

Running locally with dev environment

  ## back-end aplication
  npm run start:dev

  ## front-end aplication
  npm run dev

API Reference

GET all todos

  GET /todos

GET todo by ID

  GET /todos/:id
Parameter Type Description
id string Required. task ID

POST todo

Body property Type Description
title string Required. task title
description string Optional. task description
status string Required. task status : "In progress" or "Done"
userId string Required. current user ID