Software Engineering Project


This application is single page application featuring a map of my neighborhood Cape Town and all the universities and colleges around.


Use github link ( to download or clone the repository.


Run the index.html file found in the directory

Map Details

  • The user can search for a univeristy or college with the 100.000 radius of Cape Town, South Africa.
  • The Suggested list will be updated based on the search inout content and the markers will update based on the value search with the corresponding information on the map.
  • The view the location details, Click on the marker on the map or click on the location on the suggested list.
  • The information displayed will have the Foursquare API information (The location name).

Map Technical Details

The Map is built using the Google Map API ( and pulls through the foursqure API ( for all the Map location details displayed

The Google Map API has been issued using my work responsive email: which enables the ability to get hold of the Google Map details.

To accomplish this project, you must start by defining your initial coordinates which loads the map and finds all the locations within the 100.000 radius. In my case, I have used my beautiful City Cape Town and managed to load all universities and college around the city with the coordinates below

//Cape Town Coordinates to load map CapeTown = new google.maps.LatLng(-33.9248685, 18.4240553),

The Map uses a custom loading gif before all locations have been displayed and also it uses svg marker and a cusytom style to match my choosen map theme using the color #02b3e4


Project Team Members