
A Craft CMS boilerplate that uses Bower, Node, and Grunt to generate template and asset files

Primary LanguagePHP

Craft Boilerplate

This repo is a boilerplate for Craft CMS. It uses Node, Grunt, Bower, and Bootstrap to generate template and asset files.

Getting Started

To get this project up and running, follow these steps:

Environment Setup

  1. Make sure you've got Node installed on your system.
  2. Open a terminal and navigate to the project directory.
  3. Type npm install to install the project's back-end (Node/Grunt) dependencies. This might take a couple of minutes to finish.
  4. Type bower install to install the project's front-end (Bower) dependencies.
  5. Type grunt to build the template/asset files for the site and watch for changes to the files in the dev/ folder. If you're not interested in watching the project, type grunt build instead.

Craft Setup

  1. Type chmod -R 774 craft/{app,config,storage} to make sure Craft can edit certain files.
  2. Change the database settings in craft/config/db.php to point to an empty MySQL database that you control.
  3. Make sure that the project is accessible on your local or remote server. Note: Craft will allow you to try out the two commercial tiers of its software if the domain name ends in craft.dev. With that in mind, it may be useful to develop locally using a domain pattern like http://projectname.craft.dev/.
  4. Open a browser and navigate to Craft's admin URL (e.g. http://projectname.craft.dev/admin/). This walkthrough will help you install Craft on your server.

Working with Grunt

The folder structure of this project looks like this:

    [bower packages]

Craft Templates

We develop our Craft templates in the dev/templates/ folder. Grunt minimizes these templates and stores the optimized files in the craft/templates/ folder.


We develop the project's front-end assets in the dev/assets/ folder. Our CSS is written in Sass and our JS is written in Coffeescript. Grunt compiles and optimizes these files, and then saves them to their appropriate CSS/JS locations in the public/assets/ folder.


We use Bootstrap on this project, but we've decided to take a 'piecemeal' approach to it. This workflow is kind of messy right now, but it's preferable to including all of Bootstrap regardless of what parts you're using.

To control which Bootstrap styles are included in the project, comment or uncomment lines in the file located at dev/assets/css/bootstrap.sass. To control which Bootstrap scripts are included, open Gruntfile.coffee and comment/uncomment the script lines within the concat:bootstrap_js Grunt task. After modifying the script lines, it's a good idea to restart the Grunt watcher to make sure that it compiles those files correctly.