

This is my project based on the feedreader using Jasmine for my Udacity Nanodegree.



Run the index.html file found in the main directory

Feedreader Details

  • The Jasmine spec results will be displayed at the bottom of the page.

  • Every test writen passes and the is enough to understand and follow.

Feedreader Test Written

1. Test that loops through each feed in the allFeeds object and ensures it has a URL defined and that the URL is not empty.

2. Test that loops through each feed in the allFeeds object and ensures it has a name defined and that the name is not empty. 

3. Test suite named "The menu" 

4. Test that ensures the menu element is hidden by default. 
    You'll have to analyze the HTML and the CSS to determine how we're performing the hiding/showing of the menu element.

5. Test that ensures the menu changes visibility when the menu icon is clicked.
 This test should have two expectations: does the menu display when clicked and does it hide when clicked again.

6. Write a new test suite named "New Feed Selection"

7. Test that ensures when a new feed is loaded by the loadFeed function that the content actually changes. loadFeed() is asynchronous.

8. All test manage to pass after a couple of failures during the building process of the project.


The Udacity Team and my responsive ( colleagues