
PCB designs based on the Attiny85 microcontroller for standalone development.

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0


PCB designs based on the Attiny85 microcontroller for standalone development.

These devices have been designed for the final development of BadUSB-Cable:


Idea: Joel Serna & Ernesto Sánchez

Development and implementation: Joel Serna & Ernesto Sánchez

PCB design: Ignacio Díaz Álvarez


PCBs design: Ignacio Díaz & ForensicSecurity

* Ignacio Díaz: @Ignacio Díaz Álvarez

* Forensic & Security: @ForensicSec

* https://forensic-security.com

Electronic components

SMD-USB Connector:

SMD with USB connector 0

SMD with USB connector 1

THT Version:

THT version 0

THT version 1

Import the project

There is a custom built library footprints for this project, remember to import it.


You can order the necessary components with the gerber files in the gerber directory and de BOM (Bill Of Materials).

Hardware needed

To burn the bootloader you can use diferent techniques, for the one we use you will need:

  • TEST CLIP SOIC 8 (2 X 4)

clip programmer

Download bootloader

  • Download Micronucleus bootloader for ATTINY85: https://github.com/micronucleus

  • You can find the bootloader file at micronucleus-t85\firmware\releases folder

  • Use "t85_default.hex" for the bootloader

Burning bootloader for ATTINY85

You must use the correct fuses bit for the bootloader:

  • Extended: 0xFE
  • High: 0xDD
  • Low: 0xE1

AVRISP MKll In System Programmer and AVR Studio software for burning bootloader


Installing Digispark USB Driver

  1. Download Arduino for Digispark which come with USB driver: http://sourceforge.net/projects/digistump/files/

  2. Extract the file (DigisparkArduino-Win32-1.0.4-March29.zip) to any folder

  3. Execute DigisparkArduino-Win32\DigisparkWindowsDriver\InstallDriver.exe to start installing the USB driver


You can get payloads in the following repository:
