
Flash scope for Spring MVC

Flash scope for Spring MVC

This is an implementation of the a “flash scope”. The flash scope was introduced in rapid web frameworks such as
Ruby on Rails, Grails, and Django. The whole purpose is to have an easy way to store objects/messages that
will be available for rendering in the next rendered view. This means that objects in the flash scope “survives”
a redirect-after-post.

Note#1: Spring-flash has been tested in Spring 2.5 and Spring 3.
Note#2: Instructions below are mostly for maven users.

Getting started

Get the JAR

Build code and install in local maven repo

You can do this either by checking out the code from this repository and run
$ mvn install

This will install the artifact in your locale maven repository.

Get JAR from maven repo

You can also get the JAR from my GitHub repo. Add this repo to your pom.xml:

  <name>joelso github mvn repo</name>

…and add the dependency:


Spring configuration – wire it up!

In you dispatcher-servlet.xml (or whatever you call it):
