
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A sqlite-backed database for tasl instances.


import * as tasl from "tasl"

export declare class DB {
	// Open an existing database at the given path
	static open(path: string, options?: { readOnly?: boolean }): DB

	// Create a new database at the given path with the given schema.
	// Use path: null for an in-memory sqlite instance
	static create(path: string | null, schema: tasl.Schema): DB

	// Import a tasl instance from an AsyncIterable
	static import(
		path: string | null,
		schema: tasl.Schema,
		stream: AsyncIterable<Buffer>
	): Promise<DB>

	// Close the database
	close(): void

	// Get the database schema
	get schema(): tasl.Schema

	// Export the database to an AsyncIterable
	export(options?: { chunkSize?: number }): AsyncIterable<Buffer>

	// Get an element value
	get(key: string, id: number): tasl.values.Value

	// Iterate over elements ids, values, or [id, value] entries
	keys(key: string): Iterable<number>
	values(key: string): Iterable<tasl.values.Value>
	entries(key: string): Iterable<[number, tasl.values.Value]>

	// Check for the presence of an element with a given id
	has(key: string, id: number): boolean

	// Count the elements of a given class
	count(key: string): number

	// Push a new value of a class using an autoincrementing id, returning the id
	push(key: string, value: tasl.values.Value): number

	set(key: string, id: number, value: tasl.values.Value): void
	merge(elements: Record<string, tasl.values.Element[]>): void
	migrate(mapping: tasl.Mapping, targetPath: string | null): Promise<DB>

taslite uses better-sqlite for sqlite3 bindings, which has a synchronous API that blocks on the main thread. All the database methods here, except for DB.import / DB.export and DB.migrate, are also synchronous.

Getting and setting elements

Elements in a tasl instance each have an unsigned integer id, unique within each class. The simplest way to use taslite is with the .get and .set methods.

import { DB } from "taslite"
import * as tasl from "tasl"

const schema = tasl.parseSchema(`
namespace s http://schema.org/

class s:Person {
	s:name -> string
	s:email -> uri

// the path here can also be null to open an in-memory database
const db = DB.create("my-database.sqlite", schema)

// element IDs don't have to be created in order
		"http://schema.org/name": tasl.values.string("John Doe"),
		"http://schema.org/email": tasl.values.uri("mailto:johndoe@example.com"),

		"http://schema.org/name": tasl.values.string("Jane Doe"),
		"http://schema.org/email": tasl.values.uri("mailto:me@janedoe.com"),

db.get("http://schema.org/Person", 19)
// {
//   kind: 'product',
//   components: {
//     'http://schema.org/email': { kind: 'uri', value: 'mailto:johndoe@example.com' },
//     'http://schema.org/name': { kind: 'literal', value: 'John Doe' }
//   }
// }

db.get("http://schema.org/Person", 19103)
// {
//   kind: 'product',
//   components: {
//     'http://schema.org/email': { kind: 'uri', value: 'mailto:me@janedoe.com' },
//     'http://schema.org/name': { kind: 'literal', value: 'Jane Doe' }
//   }
// }

db.get("http://schema.org/Person", 0)
// Uncaught Error: no element in http://schema.org/Person with id 0

db.get("http://schema.org/Book", 0)
// Uncaught Error: key not found

Iterating over elements

Just like tasl.Instance, the DB class has three methods for iterating (synchronously!) over elements in the database. Iteration always happens in ascending ID order.

for (const id of db.keys("http://schema.org/Person")) {
// 19
// 19103

for (const value of db.values("http://schema.org/Person")) {
// {
//   kind: 'product',
//   components: {
//     'http://schema.org/email': { kind: 'uri', value: 'mailto:johndoe@example.com' },
//     'http://schema.org/name': { kind: 'literal', value: 'John Doe' }
//   }
// }
// {
//   kind: 'product',
//   components: {
//     'http://schema.org/email': { kind: 'uri', value: 'mailto:me@janedoe.com' },
//     'http://schema.org/name': { kind: 'literal', value: 'Jane Doe' }
//   }
// }

for (const [id, value] of db.entries("http://schema.org/Person")) {
	console.log(id, value)
// 19 {
//   kind: 'product',
//   components: {
//     'http://schema.org/email': { kind: 'uri', value: 'mailto:johndoe@example.com' },
//     'http://schema.org/name': { kind: 'literal', value: 'John Doe' }
//   }
// }
// 19103 {
//   kind: 'product',
//   components: {
//     'http://schema.org/email': { kind: 'uri', value: 'mailto:me@janedoe.com' },
//     'http://schema.org/name': { kind: 'literal', value: 'Jane Doe' }
//   }
// }

Merging many elements at once

Classes in a tasl schema can reference each other, which makes for awkward DX when trying to update them. For example, here's a valid tasl schema:

import * as tasl from "tasl"

const schema = tasl.parseSchema(`
namespace ex http://example.com/

class ex:Person {
	ex:name -> string
	ex:favoriteBook -> * ex:Book

class ex:Book {
	ex:name -> string
	ex:author -> * ex:Person

Here we have two classes, each of whose types reference the other. Let's try creating a database with this schema inserting some elements:

const db = DB.create("my-database.sqlite", schema)

		"http://example.com/name": tasl.values.string("John Doe"),
		"http://example.com/favoriteBook": tasl.values.reference(0),
// SqliteError: FOREIGN KEY constraint failed

That's because every element value of ex:Person needs to reference an element value of ex:Book - but there are no ex:Book elements yet! The only way around this is to add elements to both classes at the same time, which we can do using the DB.merge method.

	"http://example.com/Person": [
			id: 100,
			value: tasl.values.product({
				"http://example.com/name": tasl.values.string("John Doe"),
				"http://example.com/favoriteBook": tasl.values.reference(0),
	"http://example.com/Book": [
			id: 0,
			value: tasl.values.product({
				"http://example.com/name": tasl.values.string(
					"John Doe: My Autobiography"
				"http://example.com/author": tasl.values.reference(100),

More examples

Create a new database with a given schema

import fs from "node:fs"

import { DB } from "taslite"
import * as tasl from "tasl"

const schemaPath = "./test/instances/micro.schema"

const schema = tasl.parseSchema(fs.readFileSync(schemaPath, "utf-8"))

const db = DB.create("micro.sqlite", schema)

Open an existing .sqlite database

import fs from "node:fs"

import { DB } from "taslite"
import * as tasl from "tasl"

const databasePath = "example.sqlite"

const db = DB.open("example.sqlite")

Import an existing instance from a .instance file

import fs from "node:fs"

import { DB } from "taslite"
import * as tasl from "tasl"

const schemaPath = "./example.schema"
const instancePath = "./example.instance"

const schema = tasl.parseSchema(fs.readFileSync(schemaPath, "utf-8"))
const db = await DB.import(

Apply a migration to an existing database

import * as tasl from "tas"
import assert from "node:assert"

const sourceSchema = tasl.parseSchema(`
namespace s http://schema.org/
class s:Person {
	s:name   -> string
	s:gender -> [
		s:value <- string

const targetSchema = new tasl.Schema({
	"http://example.com/person": tasl.types.product({
		"http://example.com/name": tasl.types.string,
		"http://example.com/gender": tasl.types.string,

const targetSchema = tasl.parseSchema(`
namespace ex http://example.com/

class ex:person {
	ex:name   -> string
	ex:gender -> string

const mapping = tasl.parseMapping(
namespace s http://schema.org/
namepsace ex http://example.com/

map ex:person <= s:Person (p) => {
	ex:name   <= p / s:name
	ex:gender <= p / s:gender [
		s:Male   (u) => "Male"
		s:Female (u) => "Female"
		s:value  (v) => v

const sourceDB = DB.open("./path/to/source.sqlite")

const targetDB = await sourceDB.migrate(mapping, "./path/to/target.sqlite")