Angular Challenge

ALL RIGHT! Set up a NEW project! From the ground up. Bring in Angular, that's all we will need for our project today.

Business Need:

We need a way to pick Olympic athletes for our new marketing campain. Make an application that has a Generate button that displays one athlete from 5 different sports of your choice. The chosen athletes should have their names and origins (locations) displayed. The athletes should be chosen at random, and should include all athletes competing in a given sport. Information on the athletes can be found here.

Technical Requirements

Our application will request 5 payloads from five different Express routes (one for each sport). All of the routes should exist inside of an Olympics.js router. The objects returned should follow this template:

  Name: 'John Doe',
  Origin: 'New York, NY'

Hard Mode:

Style your application with CSS, make it look presentable (think 'Merica).

Pro Mode:

Add a sixth end point to choose which sport we should choose for our campain and style the winner on the view.