myRetail RESTful service




Check out code

git clone

Install Go

Install the Go programming language and toolset:

You can verify you've installed correctly by running:

go version

For this exercise I used version 1.19.1


Make sure you are in the myRetail directory

go build myRetail

This will result in the executable file myRetail


Run the application with the following command:


You should then see the output:

Listening on port :80


Pricing data has been loaded for 13860428, 13264003, 12954218, 54456119 although data for 54456119 is not available via the internal resource.

Environment Variables

Normally I wouldn't include the .env file for security reasons, but have included it here due to the nature of the exercise.

GET - Get Product Details

Used to retrieve product details for a given product ID.

URL: /product/{id}

Method: GET

Example call

Note: provided in Postman collection as well myRetail.postman_collection.json

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:80/products/13860428'

Example success response

{"id":13860428,"name":"The Big Lebowski (Blu-ray)","current_price":{"value":12.49,"currency_code":"USD"}}

Example failure response

  "errors": [
      "message": "product does not exist"

PUT - Update Product Price

Used to update product price. Price is updated via the provided value within current_price.

Note: If ID in path does not match ID provided in body payload an error will be returned.

URL: /product/{id}

Method: PUT

Example call

Note: provided in Postman collection as well myRetail.postman_collection.json

curl --location --request PUT 'http://localhost:80/products/13860428' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "id": 13860428,
    "name": "The Big Lebowski (Blu-ray)",
    "current_price": {
        "value": 13.99,
        "currency_code": "USD"

Example success response

{"id":13860428,"name":"The Big Lebowski (Blu-ray)","current_price":{"value":13.99,"currency_code":"USD"}}

Example failure response

  "errors": [
      "message": "ID in path does not match request body"


To run tests, run the following in the root directory of the project:

go test -v