
A ColdBox Module wrapper for the opencsv project.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Build Status

Welcome to the cfboom HTTP Coldbox Module

The cfboom-opencsv module provides a wrapper facade to the opencsv project (http://opencsv.sourceforge.net).


Apache License, Version 2.0.

Important Links

System Requirements

  • Lucee 4.5+
  • ColdFusion 9+


Just drop into your modules folder or use CommandBox to install

box install cfboom-opencsv

WireBox Mappings

The module registers the CSVReader: CSVReader@cfboomOpencsv and CSVWriter: CSVWriter@cfboomOpencsv that allows you to read and write CSV data. Check out the API Docs for all the possible functions.


There's an optional setting in your ColdBox.cfc file under a cfboomOpencsv struct of moduleSettings to override the default HttpRequestExecutor:

moduleSettings = {
  cfboomOpencsv = {
     * The default `Sanitizer` used when building a query.
     * It must implement cfboom.opencsv.Sanitizer.
     * The default is [cfboom.opencsv.PassthroughSanitizer]
    defaultSanitizer = "cfboom.opencsv.Sanitizer"

CSVReader Methods

Once you have an instance of the HttpClient, you can call these methods:

var csvr = getInstance( "CSVReader@cfboomOpencsv" ).load( csvData ).build();

CSVWriter Methods

var sw = createObject("java", "java.io.StringWriter").init();
var cArgs = {};
cArgs.writer = sw;
cArgs.separator = ",";
cArgs.quotechar = "'";
var csvw = getInstance( "CSVWriter@cfboomOpencsv" ).build(argumentCollection:cArgs);
return sw.toString();


For testing, you'll need to create a MySQL datasource named 'cfboom_test' using the tests/resources/Dump_All_Types.sql script.