
Interactive tool for selecting RCT sites

Primary LanguageR


Pedagogical tool for selecting where to conduct randomized control trials. Built in Shiny.

Live version of the current draft can be found here: apsta.shinyapps.io/DS4SI/


  • /DS4SI-Tool
    • /R
      • functions.R: various functions that are used multiple times
      • ggplot_settings.R: color and theme settings for ggplot
      • score_generalizability.RData: pre-defined score_generalizability() function to be loaded by global.R. This is an .RData file because it contains an underlying empirical distribution
      • score_casuality.RData: pre-defined score_casuality() function to be loaded by global.R
    • /data/jpta.csv: dataset of the population of sites
    • /markdowns: contains all the body text across the pages
    • /www/custom_css.css: custom CSS that gives the tool its look and feel
    • global.R: pre-created R objects that are accessible by both ui.R and server.R
    • server.R: the server side calculations
    • ui.R: the UI of the tool
  • /R
    • generate_site_selection_data.R: generates the jpta.csv dataset
    • score_generalizibility.R: generates score_generalizability.RData
    • score_causality.R: generates score_causality.RData
    • reconstruct_sample.R: script to reconstruct the choices the users made to generate their sample

Naming conventions

Convention Example
UI slider id [page]_slider_[variable] filtering_slider_comfort
UI select input id [page]_select_[variable] filtering_select_region
UI button id [page]_button_[name] sampling_button_run_sampling
UI table id [page]_table_[name] sampling_table_excluded
UI plot id [page]_plot_[name] filtering_plot_hist
UI select (dropdown) id containing the user's selection for the dataset [page]_dataset sampling_dataset
The reactive function that returns the dataset object resulting from the user's selection [page]_selected_data() sampling_selected_data()
The reactive function that receives the [page]_selected_data() and returns the modified dataset based on user's input [page]_data() sampling_data()