Advanced R class - IRS

This is an empty repo to initialize an R project. Please follow the directions below to set up your project. The /deck folder contains the slides and /live-code the scripts created during the class -- which will be updated as we go along.


In order to get the most out of class you have to be working in this project. There are three ways to get this project on your computer.

Choose one of these methods:

  1. Posit Cloud
  2. Posit Workbench
  3. Local Rstudio

Posit Cloud

  1. Create a free account on then login.
  2. Click New Project in the top right.
  3. Click New project from Git Repository.
  4. Copy to your clipboard then paste it into the URL of your Git Repository and Click OK.

Moments later an RStudio GUI should appear with the content in the file system. In the top right, choose R 4.2.3 from the drop-down.

Posit Workbench

If your organization has Posit Workbench, you may use this.

  1. Sign in to your Workbench.
  2. Click New Session near the top.
  3. Select Rstudio Pro then Start Session
  4. Select File then New Project...
  5. Select Version Control then Git
  6. Copy to your clipboard then paste it in, ensure you are using R 4.2.X, and Click Create Project

Local Rstudio

This assumes you have R and Rstudio along with git installed.

  1. Open Rstudio.
  2. Select File then New Project...
  3. Select Version Control then Git
  4. Copy to your clipboard then paste it in, ensure you are using R 4.2.X, and Click Create Project

If you're comfortable using command line, you may also clone the repo directly:

git clone

After any of these methods you should have a new RStudio project called irs-adv-r. You can see this in the top right of RStudio (the name in the image may be different).


The project requires a number of R packages. These packages can be downloaded and installed via:
