
Text analysis of r/wallstreetbets

Primary LanguageR

Text analysis of r/wallstreetbets

Text analysis of the internet forum r/wallstreetbets subreddit to predict the popularity of posts from the post's text.

Final project for NYU Messy Data and Machine Learning class. Contains explicit language.

Folder structure

├── analyses          # Feature engineering, model fitting, and performance estimates
│   └── plots         # Plots
├── data              # Cleaned data and cleaning scripts
├── inputs            # Raw input data and scraping scripts
├── material          # Class material (proposal and paper)
└── README.md


To reproduce, run the scripts in the following order:

  1. inputs/scrape_WBS.R
  2. data/cleaning.R
  3. Features:
    1. analyses/topic_modeling.R
    2. analyses/sentiment_scoring.py
    3. analyses/GME_price.R
    4. analyses/comment_hierarchy.R
  4. analyses/feature_engineering.R
  5. analyses/feature_selection.R
  6. analyses/create_train_test_split.R
  7. analyses/model_upvotes.R