
Battleship Game - The Odin Project

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Implements the Battleship project fomr the course "The Odin Project"

Battleship board game rules:

1 - Winning player is the first who sinks all 5 opponent ships.

2 - Ships per player: 1x Carrier(5) - 1x Battleship(4) - 1x Cruiser (3) - 1x Submarine(3) - 1x Destroyer(2)

3a - Gameboard grid is 10x10 per player.

3b - Each grid ships placement is invisible to the opponent.

4a - Players secretly place their ships on their grid.

4b - Ships are placed only vertically or horizontally.

4c - Ships cannot overlap.

5a - Players take turn calling shots on opponent grid.

5b - Determine if the shot is a miss or a hit.

5c - And if it's a hit, determine if the ship sunk.

Using Javascript, Webpack

Testing using Jest