
A collection of programs for the Olympus Air A01 OPC

Primary LanguagePython


A collection of programs for the Olympus Air A01 OPC

The Olympus Air A01 is a unique camera that is designed around an open platform. This repo will hold a collection of scripts to run on the device. More features will be added as I play with this more.

All of these programs are writte in python if you need any inspiration for creating your OPC code take a look.


This is a program that will allow you to control your Olympus Air A01 over WiFi using the Intel Edison with a Sparkfun OLED Block connected.



Button A : Takes a picture
Button B : Takes 5 pictures after waiting 10 seconds 
Button Up: Connect Edison to Air over WiFi
Button Down: Connect Edison to regular WiFi network 

For this to work properly you want it to start on boot. To do that copy the a01-edison.service file to /lib/systemd/system. Then run systemctl enable a01-edison .


This program will enable picture taking via command line on python.

usage: a01.py [-h] [--pid] [--interval INTERVAL] [--count COUNT] [--debug]

Olympus Air A01 Control Program. (C) Joe McManus 2016

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --pid                Create a pid file in /var/run/a01.pid
  --interval INTERVAL  Take pictures at X interval in seconds.
  --count COUNT        Take X pictures
  --getImageList       List images on SD card
  --getImage GETIMAGE  Download image imageName
  --delImage DELIMAGE  Delete image imageName
  --debug              Enable debug messages

To take one photo just run ./a01.py.

 sazed:a01 joe$ ./a01.py 
 Taking 1 photo.

To take 5 photos at 3 seconds each provide the --interval and --count options.

sazed:a01 joe$ ./a01.py  --interval 5 --count 3
Setting Intervalometer to take 5 pictures.
Taking a total of 3 pictures.
Taking picture 1 of 3 
Sleeping for 5 seconds.
Taking picture 2 of 3 
Sleeping for 5 seconds.
Taking picture 3 of 3 

To enable debug messages use the --debug option.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml version="1.0"?><result>OK</result>

To list images use the --getImageList option.

sazed:a01 joe$ ./a01.py --getImageList

To delete images use the --delImage imageName option.

sazed:a01 joe$ ./a01.py --delImage PA190001.JPG

To download images use the --getImage option.

sazed:a01 joe$ ./a01.py --getImage PA190001.JPG


A web based front end to control the Air. alt_tag

To start run ./a01-flask.py .

Make sure you are connected to the AIR wifi or you will see the error below.

sazed:a01 joe$ ./a01-flask.py
Trying to connect to A01
ERROR: Unable to reach air at :
ERROR: Make sure you are connected to the Air Wifi. 
ERROR: The SSID is something like AIR-A01-MAC

Currently you can take pictures, view thumbnails, download images and remove files from the SD card.

Current known issue: Intervalometer not implemented in Web UI