
Program to create word clouds of DNS traffix.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Program to create word clouds of DNS traffic.

Quick start:

./pysniff.py eth0 dnslookups.txt 

./cloud.py dnslookups.txt dnslookups.png 


You will need to install some prereqs.

  • pip3 install wordcloud
  • pip3 install matplotlib
  • pip3 install pcapy
  • pip3 install scapy


First you will want to create a list of DNS lookups. To do that run sniff.py INTERFACE OUTFILE

dnsCloud joe$ ./pysniff.py  --help 
usage: pysniff.py [-h] [--pid] interface outfile

DNS Word Cloud Image Generation

positional arguments:
  interface   Network Interface
  outfile     DNS log file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --pid       Create a pid file in /var/run/pysniff.pid

To listen on en0 and create a file with DNS lookups called dnslookups.txt run:

dnsCloud joe$ sudo ./sniff.py en0 dnslookups.txt

You can then create a word cloud using cloud.py INFILE OUTFILE .

dnsCloud joe$ ./cloud.py -h
usage: cloud.py [-h] [--bgimage BGIMAGE] infile outfile

DNS Word Cloud Image Generation

positional arguments:
  infile             Source file
  outfile            Destination image file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --bgimage BGIMAGE  Optional image filei to shape around

To create a wordcloud using the file dnslookups.txt and an image dnslookups.png run:

dnsCloud joe$ ./cloud.py dnslookups.txt dnslookups.png
Source file: dnslookups.txt
Output file: dnslookups.png


I run this out of cron. first create your crontab.

$crontab -e
*/5 * * * * /home/joe/cloud.py /data/dnsqueries.txt /var/www/html/dnscloud/wordcloud.png

Then have sniff.py start on boot.

$vi /usr/lib/systemd/system/pysniff.service #Startup file for pysniff.pif #run systemctl enable pysniff.service

Description=Python DNS Sniffing Service

ExecStart=/root/pysniff.py eno2 /data/dnsqueries.txt --pid
ExecReload=/bin/kill -s HUP $MAINPID
ExecStop=/bin/kill -s TERM $MAINPID
