
Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Ruby Launcher Code Examples

Github repo: code-examples-ruby

This GitHub repo includes code examples for DocuSign APIs.

To switch between API code examples, modify the examples_API setting at the end of the configuration file. Set only one API type to true and set the remaining to false.

If none of the API types are set to true, the DocuSign eSignature REST API code examples will be shown. If multiple API types are set to true, only the first will be shown.

Note: to use the Rooms API you must also create your DocuSign Developer Account for Rooms.


This repo is a Ruby on Rails application that demonstrates:

eSignature API

For more information about the scopes used for obtaining authorization to use the eSignature API, see the Required Scopes section.

  1. Use embedded signing. Source. This example sends an envelope, and then uses embedded signing for the first signer. With embedded signing, the DocuSign signing is initiated from your website.

  2. Request a signature by email (Remote Signing). Source. The envelope includes a pdf, Word, and HTML document. Anchor text (AutoPlace) is used to position the signing fields in the documents.

  3. List envelopes in the user's account. Source. The envelopes' current status is included.

  4. Get an envelope's basic information. Source. The example lists the basic information about an envelope, including its overall status.

  5. List an envelope's recipients Source. Includes current recipient status.

  6. List an envelope's documents. Source.

  7. Download an envelope's documents. Source. The example can download individual documents, the documents concatenated together, or a zip file of the documents.

  8. Programmatically create a template. Source.

  9. Request a signature by email using a template. The example creates an envelope using a template and sets the initial values for some of its tabs (fields). Source.

  10. Send an envelope and upload its documents with multpart binary transfer. Source. Binary transfer is 33% more efficient than using Base64 encoding.

  11. Use embedded sending. Source. Embeds the DocuSign web tool (NDSE) in your web app to finalize or update the envelope and documents before they are sent.

  12. Embedded DocuSign web tool (NDSE). Source.

  13. Use embedded signing from a template with an added document. Source. This example sends an envelope based on a template. In addition to the template's document(s), the example adds an additional document to the envelope by using the Composite Templates feature.

  14. Payments example: an order form, with online payment by credit card. Source.

  15. Get the envelope tab data. Retrieve the tab (field) values for all of the envelope's recipients. Source.

  16. Set envelope tab values. The example creates an envelope and sets the initial values for its tabs (fields). Some of the tabs are set to be read-only, others can be updated by the recipient. The example also stores metadata with the envelope. Source.

  17. Set template tab values. The example creates an envelope using a template and sets the initial values for its tabs (fields). The example also stores metadata with the envelope. Source.

  18. Get the envelope custom field data (metadata). The example retrieves the custom metadata (custom data fields) stored with the envelope. Source.

  19. Requiring an Access Code for a Recipient Source. This example sends an envelope that requires an access-code for the purpose of multi-factor authentication.

  20. Requiring SMS authentication for a recipient Source. This example sends an envelope that requires entering in a six digit code from an text message for the purpose of multi-factor authentication.

  21. Requiring Phone authentication for a recipient Source. This example sends an envelope that requires entering in a voice-based response code for the purpose of multi-factor authentication.

  22. Requiring Knowledge-Based Authentication (KBA) for a Recipient Source. This example sends an envelope that requires passing a Public records check to validate identity for the purpose of multi-factor authentication.

  23. Requiring ID Verification (IDV) for a recipient Source. This example sends an envelope that requires the recipient to upload a government issued id.

  24. Creating a permission profile Source. This code example demonstrates how to create a user group's permission profile using the Create Profile method.

  25. Setting a permission profile Source. This code example demonstrates how to set a user group's permission profile using the Update Group method. You must have already created permissions profile and group of users.

  26. Updating individual permission settings Source. This code example demonstrates how to update individual settings for a specific permission profile using the Update Permission Profile method. You must have already created permissions profile and group of users.

  27. Deleting a permission profile Source. This code example demonstrates how to an account's permission profile using the Delete AccountPermissionProfiles method. You cannot delete the Everyone nor the Administrator profile types as those are defaults.

  28. Creating a brand Source. This example creates brand profile for an account using the Create Brand method.

  29. Applying a brand to an envelope Source. This code example demonstrates how to apply a brand you've created to an envelope using the Create Envelope method. First, creates the envelope and then applies brand to it.

  30. Applying a brand to a template Source. This code example demonstrates how to apply a brand you've created to a template using using the Create Envelope method. You must have at least one created template and brand.

  31. Bulk sending envelopes to multiple recipients Source. This example creates and sends a bulk envelope by generating a bulk recipient list and initiating a bulk send.

  32. Pausing a signature workflow Source. This example demonstrates how to create an envelope where the workflow is paused before the envelope is sent to a second recipient.

  33. Unpausing a signature workflow Source. This example demonstrates how to resume an envelope workflow that has been paused.

  34. Using conditional recipients Source. This example demonstrates how to create an envelope where the workflow is routed to different recipients based on the value of a transaction.

  35. Request a signature by SMS delivery Source. This code example demonstrates how to send a signature request via an SMS message using the Envelopes: create method.

Rooms API

For more information about the scopes used for obtaining authorization to use the Rooms API, see the Required Scopes section.

  1. Create a room with data. Source. This example creates a new room in your DocuSign Rooms account to be used for a transaction.
  2. Create a room from a template. Source. This example creates a new room using a template.
  3. Export data from a room. Source. This example exports all the available data from a specific room in your DocuSign Rooms account.
  4. Add forms to a room. Source. This example adds a standard real estate related form to a specific room in your DocuSign Rooms account.
  5. Search for rooms with filters. Source. This example searches for rooms in your DocuSign Rooms account using a specific filter.
  6. Get an external form fillable session. Source. This example creates an external form that can be filled using DocuSign for a specific room in your DocuSign Rooms account.
  7. Creating a form group. Source. This example creates a new form group with the name given in the name property of the request body.
  8. Grant office access to a form group. Source. This example assigns an office to a form group for your DocuSign Rooms.
  9. Assign a form to a form group. Source. This example assigns a form to a form group for your DocuSign Rooms.

Click API

For more information about the scopes used for obtaining authorization to use the Clickwrap API, see the Required Scopes section.

  1. Creating a clickwrap. Source. This example demonstrates how to use the Click API to create a clickwrap that you can embed in your website or app.
  2. Activate a clickwrap. Source. This example demonstrates how to use the Click API to activate a new clickwrap that you have already created.
  3. Creating a new clickwrap version. Source. This example demonstrates how to use the Click API to create a new version of a clickwrap.
  4. Getting a list of clickwraps. Source. This example demonstrates how to use the Click API to get a list of clickwraps associated with a specific DocuSign user.
  5. Getting clickwrap responses. Source. This example demonstrates how to use the Click API to get a list of clickwraps associated with a specific DocuSign user.

Included OAuth grant types:

  • Authentication with Docusign via Authorization Code Grant flow . When the token expires, the user is asked to re-authenticate. The refresh token is not used in this example.

  • Authentication with DocuSign via the JSON Web Token (JWT) Grant. When the token expires, it updates automatically.



Note: If you downloaded this code using Quickstart from the DocuSign Developer Center, skip steps 1 and 2 below as they're automatically performed for you.

  1. A DocuSign Developer account (email and password) on demo.docusign.net. Create a free account.

  2. A DocuSign Integration Key and secret key (a client ID). To use JSON Web token, you will need the Integration Key itself, the RSA Secret Key and an API user ID for the user you are impersonating.

    You will need the Integration Key itself, and its secret.

    The Integration key must include a Redirect URI of


    Where {base_url} is the url for the web app.

    By default, the rails app starts on url http://localhost:3000

    So the default Redirect URI for your Integration Key is


  3. Ruby version 2.7.1 or later. Or you can update the Gemfile to use other versions of Ruby.

  4. A name and email for a signer, and a name and email for a cc recipient.

Installation steps

Note: If you downloaded this code using Quickstart from the DocuSign Developer Center, skip steps 4, 5, and 6 below as they're automatically performed for you.

  1. Download or clone this repository to your workstation to directory code-examples-ruby

  2. cd code-examples-ruby

  3. Install the needed gems listed in the Gemfile:

    Run bundler install

  4. Copy the file config/appsettings.example.yml into a new file named config/appsettings.yml

  5. Update the file config/appsettings.yml with the Integration Key and other settings. Note: The terms "client_id" and "Integration key" are synonyms. They refer to the same thing.

  6. Update your Integration Key's settings to include a Redirect URI for your installation of the example. See Prerequisites item #2, above for more information.

Run the application

  1. To start the development web server and application:

    Run rails s

    Note that on Windows additional actions might be necessary:

    • Install sqlite3: gem install sqlite3 --platform=ruby
    • Download curllib.dll (https://curl.haxx.se/windows/)
    • libcurl-x64.dll should be copied as libcurl.dll
    • Place libcurl.dll into Ruby C:\\<Ruby installation>\bin
  2. Open a browser to the example's base url to view the index page.

Configuring JWT

Note: Before you can make any API calls using JWT Grant, you must get your user’s consent for your app to impersonate them. To do this, the impersonation scope is added when requesting a JSON Web Token.

  1. Create a developer sandbox account on developers.docusign.com if you don't already have one.
  2. Create a new API key in the Admin panel: https://admindemo.docusign.com/api-integrator-key
  • Take note of the Integration Key.
  • Generate a RSA Keypair and copy the private key to a secure location.
  • Set a Redirect URI of http://localhost:3000/auth/docusign/callback as mentioned in the installation steps above.
  1. Create a new file in the config folder named docusign_private_key.txt, and paste in that copied RSA private key, then save it.
  2. Update the file config/appsettings.yml and include the settings from step 2.

Obtaining consent does not need to be configured, as it is already being done in the code at JwtAuth::JwtCreator#update_token

From there you should be able to run the launcher using bundle exec rails server then selecting JSON Web Token when authenticaing your account.

Troubleshooting Windows SSL issue

When using the Ruby launcher on a Windows machine you may get the following error:

SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK

This error occurs because you’re attempting to use the Ruby launcher with a self-signed certificate or without SSL/HTTP security. The API calls from Ruby SDKs are using a built-in Curl tool that is enforcing the SSL requirement. You can disable this security check to run the launcher in an insecure manner on your developer machine.

- It is highly recommended that you don’t disable this security check 
- in a production environment or in your integration. 
- This method is offered here solely as a means to enable you to 
- develop quickly by lowering the security bar on your local machine.

Find the root folder for your Ruby gems (in this case, a 64-bit version of Ruby 2.7.0):


Find the relevant DocuSign Ruby SDK you are using. The name always starts with “docusign”; for instance, DocuSign Click SDK version 1.0.0:


Find the configuration.rb file in that folder. Modify the following two lines in the configuration.rb file, replacing true with false:

  @verify_ssl = true
  @verify_ssl_host = true

Once this is complete, you can run your Ruby on Rails application again and you should be able to make API calls on your localhost.

Payments code example

To use the payments example, create a test payments gateway for your developer sandbox account.

See the PAYMENTS_INSTALLATION.md file for instructions.

Then add the payment gateway account id to the config/application.rb file.

Using the examples with other authentication flows

The examples in this repository can also be used with the Implicit grant OAuth flow. See the Authentication guide for information on choosing the right authentication flow for your application.

License and additional information


This repository uses the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.

Pull Requests

Pull requests are welcomed. Pull requests will only be considered if their content uses the MIT License.

Additional Resources