
nodejs server which reads servers from a csv, monitors their status and is capable of waking them over lan using a nodejs backend and a standard HTML/CSS/JS frontend.

Primary LanguageJinjaThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Nodejs wake on lan server

A simple nodejs WOL Server, reading MAC Addresses, WOL Port, IP Address and broadcast Address of the clients under management from the servers.csv. Thereafter enabling the user to send WOL Packages to the specified clients and monitor their status using the webui on Port 8080.

Setup with docker compose

  1. Fill out the servers.csv with the servers you want to montor and wake
  2. Install Docker, Docker Compose and make user part of Docker group. For this you can use this Ansible Project hosted on GitHub.
  3. Run docker-compose up -d --build

Setup without docker compose

  1. Fill out the servers.csv with the servers you want to montor and wake
  2. Install nodejs, python3 and pip
  3. Install the required python packages using pip3 install -r app/requirements.txt
  4. Install the required nodejs packages using npm install; npm install -g pm2
  5. Render the Jinja2 templates using python3 renderJ2.py
  6. Chdir into the app/ directory
  7. Start the server using pm2 start index.js




nodejs wake on lan server is created by the following people (in reverse alphabetical order):

Name Realname
x4 Ferhat Dogru
joengelh Jonas Engelahrdt