
This is a template repository that allows users to create an esp32 project including a dns and webserver, that can be used to upgrade the software remotely

Primary LanguageMakefileMIT LicenseMIT

ESP32 Motor Control and Web Interface

This project demonstrates controlling a DC motor using an ESP32 microcontroller and a web interface. It is built using the PlatformIO development environment, providing a simple way to manage libraries and dependencies for your project.


  • PlatformIO installed in your preferred code editor or IDE.
  • ESP32 board added to your PlatformIO environment.
  • Required libraries added to your platformio.ini file: WiFi, WiFiClient, WebServer, DNSServer, Update.

Hardware Configuration

  • Rudder Motor Control Pins:
    • motorPin1 (25): Input pin for motor channel A.
    • motorPin2 (26): Input pin for motor channel B.

WiFi Configuration

Set your WiFi SSID and Password in the following lines of the code:

const char *ssid = "your_SSID_here";
const char *password = "your_PASSWORD_here";

Web Pages

  • root.html: Root page.
  • manualControl.html: Page for manual motor control.
  • settings.html: Settings page.


  1. Open the project in your preferred PlatformIO-compatible code editor.
  2. Build and upload the code to the ESP32 board.
  3. Access the web interface using the ESP32's IP address.


  • /: Root endpoint.
  • /manual: Manual control endpoint.
  • /settings: Settings endpoint.
  • /update: Firmware update endpoint.

Manual Motor Control

The motor can be controlled manually through the /manualControl endpoint using POST requests with the motor parameter:

  • motor=forwards: Move the motor forwards.
  • motor=stop: Stop the motor.

Firmware Update

Firmware updates can be performed by sending a POST request to the /update endpoint with the firmware binary file. The ESP32 will automatically restart after the update.



  • Ensure proper hardware connections.
  • Use appropriate safety measures while handling the motor.