Screenshot of finished project

You've decided to become a pinball wizard! Having made it through Phase 1 at Flatiron School, you've decided to create a web app for yourself that will save your high score for the machines at your local pinball bar (yes, they exist).


json-server --watch db.json

Challenge #1

Make a request to http://localhost:3000/games and add the names of all the games in the #game-list nav element. We want to see both the name and the manufacturer for each game, since some games have the same name from different manufacturers. The end result should be of the format name (manufacturer). For example, Ghostbusters (Stern).

(Optional) If you want the styling to work, each element needs to be an h5 tag.

Challenge #2

When the page loads, show the image, name, and high_score properties of the the first game in the array returned from your fetch.

Challenge #3

When the user clicks on one of the games in the list, display all the details of that game.

Challenge #4

The user should be able to enter a high score in the form on the right side and have it show that value for "high score".

The value of the high score does not need to persist between refreshes, but should save state when switching between games.