Phase 1 Practice Code Challenge - Duck Manager

Ducks and Ducks and Ducks

Getting Started

Begin by opening the HTML with your browser of choice and running json-server --watch db.json.

For this challenge you'll be using the endpoint http://localhost:3000/ducks

Deliverable One

When the page loads, fetch the ducks and display each duck image in the #duck-nav.

Deliverable Two

When a user clicks one of the duck images, it shows the duck's name, the image, and a likes button with the number of likes in the #duck-displaylike so:

<div id="duck-display">

  <h2>Duck Shrute</h2>

  <img src="" />

  <button>3 likes</button>


If another image is clicked in the #duck-nav it replaces the previous name, image, and button with the proper content.

Deliverable Three

When the likes button is clicked, it increments the number of likes displayed for that duck. Be sure that the button continues to read "X likes".

Deliverable Four

When the #new-duck-form is submitted, it generates a new duck image in the #duck-nav. When clicked, it acts like the other images in the #duck-nav and shows a name, image, and like button in the #duck-display. No persistence is needed. A duck starts with 0 likes.