
Tmux key bindings for quick opening of a highlighted file or url

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Tmux open

Plugin for opening highlighted selection directly from Tmux copy mode.

Tested and working on Linux, OSX and Cygwin.

Key bindings

In tmux copy mode:

  • o - "open" a highlighted selection with the system default program. open for OS X or xdg-open for Linux.
  • Ctrl-o - open a highlighted selection with the $EDITOR
  • Shift-s - search the highlighted selection directly inside a search engine (defaults to google).


In copy mode:

  • highlight file.pdf and press o - file will open in the default PDF viewer.
  • highlight file.doc and press o - file will open in system default .doc file viewer.
  • highlight http://example.com and press o - link will be opened in the default browser.
  • highlight file.txt and press Ctrl-o - file will open in $EDITOR.
  • highlight TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function and press Shift-s - the text snipped will be searched directly inside google by default


screencast screenshot

Installation with Tmux Plugin Manager (recommended)

Add plugin to the list of TPM plugins in .tmux.conf:

set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-open'

Hit prefix + I to fetch the plugin and source it. You should now be able to use the plugin.

Manual Installation

Clone the repo:

$ git clone https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tmux-open ~/clone/path

Add this line to the bottom of .tmux.conf:

run-shell ~/clone/path/open.tmux

Reload TMUX environment:

# type this in terminal
$ tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf

You should now be able to use the plugin.


How can I change the default "o" key binding to something else? For example, key "x"?

Put set -g @open 'x' in tmux.conf.

How can I change the default "Ctrl-o" key binding to "Ctrl-x"?

Put set -g @open-editor 'C-x' in tmux.conf.

How can I change the default search engine to "duckduckgo" or any other one?

Put set -g @open-S 'https://www.duckduckgo.com/' in tmux.conf

How can I use multiple search engines?


set -g @open-B 'https://www.bing.com/search?q='
set -g @open-S 'https://www.google.com/search?q='

in tmux.conf

Other goodies

tmux-open works great with:

  • tmux-copycat - a plugin for regex searches in tmux and fast match selection
  • tmux-yank - enables copying highlighted text to system clipboard
