
Generate coding activity graph tracked by WakaTime to embed in Readme(s) and webpages.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

License Releases Build Time Tracked

If you use WakaTime to track your coding activity. You can add that to your README as a bar graph or embed in your blog/portfolio. Just add this action to any of your repository and there you have it. See mine below.

My WakaTime Coding Activity

Avinal WakaTime Activity

How to add one to your README.md

  1. First get your WakaTime API Key. You can get it from your WakaTime account settings.
  2. Save WakaTime API Key to Repository Secret. Find that by clicking the Settings tab. Keep the name of secret as WAKATIME_API_KEY.
  3. Add following line in your README.md of your repo.
<img src="https://github.com/<username>/<repository-name>/blob/<branch-name>/images/stat.svg" alt="Alternative Text"/>
Example: <img src="https://github.com/avinal/avinal/blob/main/images/stat.svg" alt="Avinal WakaTime Activity"/>

You can use this method to embed in web pages too. Do not use markdown method of inserting images. It does not work some times.

  1. Click Action tab and choose set up a workflow yourself.
  2. Copy the following code into the opened file, you can search for WakaTime Stat in marketplace tab for assistance.
name: WakaTime status update 

    # Runs at 12 am  '0 0 * * *'  UTC
    - cron: '1 0 * * *'

    name: Update the WakaTime Stat
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      # Use avinal/Profile-Readme-WakaTime@<latest-release-tag> for latest stable release
      # Do not change the line below until you have forked this repository
      # If you have forked this project you can use <username>/Profile-Readme-WakaTime@master instead
      - uses: avinal/Profile-Readme-WakaTime@master
          # WakaTime API key stored in secrets, do not directly paste it here
          WAKATIME_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.WAKATIME_API_KEY }}
          # Automatic github token
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
          # Branch - newer GitHub repositories have "main" as default branch, change to main in that case, default is master
          BRANCH: "master"
          # Manual Commit messages - write your own messages here
          COMMIT_MSG: "Automated Coding Activity Update :alien:"
  1. Please wait till 12 AM UTC to run this workflow automatically. Or you can force run it by going to Action tab. Or you can add following lines under on: to run with every push. Search for 12 AM UTC to find equivalent time in your time zone.
    branches: [ master ]
    - cron: '1 0 * * *'