
An API to provide predictions of bike availability for Washington D.C.'s Capital Bikeshare. Built at Mission Data.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Capital Bikeshare Availability Predictions

An API to provide predictions of bike availability for Washington D.C.'s Capital Bikeshare.

Table of Contents


This API uses Capital Bikeshare data and weather data to predict the chances a bikeshare station will have at least one bike available and at least one empty bike dock available, given a date and time. For each bikeshare station, models are built using random forests based on historical station status data and historical weather data. The API then accepts a datetime string and a location string (such as a street address or neighborhood), and returns the closest stations and the availability predictions.

This project uses Python 3. Data analysis and machine learning were done using Pandas and scikit-learn. The API was built using Falcon.

I built this project during the summer of 2016 while I was an intern at Mission Data. I greatly appreciate their permission to open source this project and post it here on GitHub, as well as their help and guidance on this project.

Mission Data is currently hosting this API (not currently for public use), with some minor enhancements, as well as a web application where you can get predictions. The original version of the web application was written by me in Angular 2 with TypeScript, but significant UI and style improvements have since been made by others at Mission Data.

A series of three lab notes have been published detailing the progression of this project. The first two explain the machine learning that is used to make the predictions, and the third discusses a conversational Slack bot (which I did not have a part in building) that uses the API. I also gave a brief presentation about the project at the sixth CaBi Hack Night meetup in November 2016, slides are available here.

This project was my first time using Python and doing any machine learning. Given that, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. As with any complex project (but perhaps this one in particular due to my inexperience and limited timeframe), there are many potential improvements and expansions. This code is licensed under the open source MIT License, and you are more than welcome to build on it or adapt it for your own uses.

API Format

The API accepts a POST request and expects a json body of the following structure:

  "datetime": string (date and time),
  "location": string[,
  "station_count": integer]

The datetime string is passed to Panda's to_datetime method, so any reasonable format (including unix timestamps) should be fine.

The location string is passed to the Google Maps API to get coordinates, so specific addresses or general neighboorhoods (anything that works with Google Maps, actually) will work.

An optional station_count parameter can be passed to specify the number of closest stations that should be returned. The default is five.

For example:

  "datetime": "November 08, 2016 5:00 pm",
  "location": "Capitol Hill",
  "station_count": 5

The response may look like this (some stations removed for brevity):

  "address": "Capitol Hill, Washington, DC, USA",
  "date": "Tuesday November 08, 2016",
  "time": "05:00 PM",
  "forecast": {
    "tempC": 17,
    "tempF": 62,
    "condition": "Partly Cloudy"
  "status": "success",
  "stations": [
      "name": "Eastern Market \/ 7th & North Carolina Ave SE",
      "distance": 256.5717285669,
      "prediction": {
        "empty": 0.20066666666667,
        "full": 0

Prediction Methodology Overview

For each bikeshare station, models are built using random forests based on historical station status data and historical weather data. Specifically, the features used are:

  • Seven binary features, one for each day of the week
  • Minute of the day
  • Month
  • Temperature
  • Hourly Precipitation

Values are roughly scaled to be between 0 and 1, inclusive. (The one exception is temperature, which is scaled to be between -1 and 1.)


All dates in the database are stored in US/Eastern time. Included scripts to import data convert dates and times to US/Eastern (if needed) before storing the data.

Scripts to Record Data

Scripts are provided to store current bikeshare and weather data for future use in building models. See the Setup section of this file for setup instructions.

Data Sources are the official Capital Bikeshare station status feed and the Weather Underground API.

Tools to Import Historical Data

Capital Bikeshare

Data Source: Capital Bikeshare Tracker

  • Times are in US/Eastern.
  • Data can be exported into CSV files.

Import with tools/import_data.py.


Data Source: NOAA's ISD Lite Datasets

  • Times are in UTC.

Import with tools/import_weather_data.py.

Database Tables

  • bike_count: Bike station data in the format of counts of bikes and empty spaces. This is the format saved by the cabi_recorder script.
  • outage: Bike station data in the format of outages (instances of empty or full stations) This is the format imported by the import_data tool.
  • weather: Weather data saved by the weather_recorder script.
  • weather_isd: Weather data imported by the import_weather_data tool.
  • forecast: Upcoming hourly forecasts.
  • station_info: Stores metadata about stations.


Python 3 must be installed.

A postgres database is required. The environmental variable CABI_DB should be set to a connection string of the format username:password@host:port/db_name.

The environmental variable WUNDERGROUND_KEY must be set to a valid API key for the Weather Underground API.

The environmental variable GMAPS_KEY must be set to a valid API key for Google Maps Web Services.

The environmental variables API_USER and API_PASS must be set to the username and password that is required to access the prediction API.

Dependencies can be installed with pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt


The API is built using Falcon, and can be run on any WSGI server.

Review the start of the passenger_wsgi.py file and modify it to fit your setup. INTERP allows the correct Python executable to be found if you are using virtualenv, and must be set correctly (or removed along with the corresponding code if not needed).

The API is set up to run easily on Passenger using passenger_wsgi.py.

Alternatively, to run on Gunicorn:

pip install gunicorn
gunicorn passenger_wsgi:app


A number of scripts should be run regularly to keep the data and models updated. Shell scripts are provided in the tools folder to run the proper python code and keep logs in the log folder. These scripts should be kept in the tools folder, otherwise the paths of the files they refer to will have to be changed.

The included scripts are:

  • cabi_recorder.sh: Stores current bikeshare station data, for future use in building models.
  • weather_recorder.sh: Stores current weather data, for future use in building models.
  • get_station_info.sh: Stores the current list of bikeshare stations.
  • build_models.sh: Builds models for all bikeshare stations.
  • get_forecast.sh: Stores upcoming hourly forecasts.

Technically, the only script that must be run regularly is get_forecast.sh. Hourly weather forecasts are only available for ten days, so the API will only be able to make predictions for ten days from the last time the script was run.

get_station_info.sh must be run at least once, but should be run more often, as Capital Bikeshare adds and removes stations somewhat often.

Running cabi_recorder.sh and weather_recorder.sh regularly, and then running build_models.sh occasionally, will allow new models to be created automatically that include recent data. Alternatively, you can just import historical data once with import_data.py and import_weather_data.py, and then run build_models.sh once. However, your models will likely get less accurate as time progresses.

All scripts are quick except for build_models.sh, which may take several hours to run. We recommend running this weekly or every other week.

Running the scripts with cron can be done as follows:

# Feel free to change the frequencies as needed.
@weekly /full/path/CapitalBikeshareML/tools/build_models.sh
*/5 * * * * /full/path/CapitalBikeshareML/tools/cabi_recorder.sh
*/20 * * * * /full/path/CapitalBikeshareML/tools/get_forecast.sh
@daily /full/path/CapitalBikeshareML/tools/get_station_info.sh
*/30 * * * * /full/path/CapitalBikeshareML/tools/weather_recorder.sh

cron must be set up so the scripts can find the python command and can access the CABI_DB environmental variable. weather_recorder.sh also needs to access the WUNDERGROUND_KEY variable. The environmental variables (and the PATH, if needed) can be set in the crontab with some versions of cron. Other options can be found here.