
build the co-occurrence matrix as required in Manning's workshop

Primary LanguagePython


build the co-occurrence matrix as required in Manning's workshop

The purpose of this code is to build the co-occurrence matrix for a given corpus

reference : Prof C. Manning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmVRLeJRkl4&list=PLoROMvodv4rOSH4v6133s9LFPRHjEmbmJ

A toy corpus is defined and next a co-occurrence matrix is built which has in each row the index of a unique word in the corpus, set as center word, and in each column the number of occurrences of neighboring words to the center word.

M is the numpy co-occurrence matrix to be built

win is the window of words left and right relative to the center word

as of 1-15-2022 I tested win =1 and win =2

s_corpus is the sorted corpus that contains unique words

W is the dictionary with: keys = unique words in the sorted corpus of unique words, and values = index of those words


The W dictionary is used to address each word in the corpus and associate an index which is used to build M

M_INDX is a 2D matrix where:

each row is the word index

the values are the column indeces where M needs to be increased + 1

the core process includes 2 nested loops: over the sentences, and over the words in a sentence for the given corpus; inside the 2 nested loops, there is a while loop on window because we need the column indeces to be increased by 1

for each center word, which is the inner for loop, there are left (ISTART) and right (IEND) words

count is the array to be incremented as a new column index needs to be stored in the matrix of column indeces

each row corresponding to a different word will have a different number of column indeces, hence count has to be a 1d array

the column index is obtained as lookup in the W dictionary with key = the word being in process

because the column indeces are stored progressively along the word row, the count variable needs to be increased by 1;

the code stores only the indeces because it must be cleaned up before applying to the co-occurrence

after executing the code described above, M_INDX contains too many IEND/ISTART entries and needs to be processed: the B matrix ensures that for each row the column indeces are different from row indeces

Next, the filler is removed, and redundant column indeces are only kept if not 0 or 1 This is meant to retain multiple occurrences of important words, while retaining only one start/end token occurrence for each center word

In the final for loop: i is the row index that also indexes the word in s_corpus

the rows are converted to list because it is easier to handle the redundant values in list

Because at this stage the lists are containing the right occurrences of the unique word, the list values are used to increment the M positions for the column index