Delegate All Tracks

Polkadot's OpenGov has track-independent vote delegation. That is, an account can delegate conviction-weighted votes to different accounts for different tracks. For example, one might delegate to account A for Staking referenda and account B for Treasury proposals. However, the delegate function must be called for each track, meaning even if one wants to delegate all their votes to the same delegate, they must submit a delegation for each track.

This script constructs a call that will delegate some configuration of (amount, conviction, delegate) to every track.

This only works on Kusama for now.


You need to edit the UserInputs in src/

fn user_inputs() -> UserInputs {
	let decimals: u128 = 10_u128.pow(12);
	return UserInputs {
		// Address to which to delegate votes.
		to: "your delegation here",
		// Conviction, from 0 (0.1x), 1 (1x) to 6 (6x).
		conviction: 1,
		// Amount of KSM to delegate. KSM has 12 decimals.
		amount: 1 * decimals,
		// Submit this call via proxy. Enter `Some("proxied address")` if submitting via proxy.
		// Will not work until is in a runtime.
		// Probably v9340 and higher.
		as_proxy: None,

Once you've configured your settings, just call cargo run, and it will give you a call. You can then paste this in e.g. Polkadot JS Apps UI and sign/submit it with whatever wallet you prefer.

Call generated from above sample.

To Do

Accept arguments as CLI args so you don't need to rebuild every time.