
Does not sort properly

maxime-lalo opened this issue · 5 comments

The sorting isn't accurate, here's my HTML Code : (Sorry for the indentation, i took it from the dev tools of Chrome and it didn't respect my indentation in my code)

for example on the second click on this column :

I just added a little piece of code to make the arrows change on click and to keep my total row the last row :

( I know it's a little bit complicated for a simple thing but i'm a beginner developper :c )

Thanks if you find the issue,


Hello, here's the jsfiddle :

Thanks for your reactivity !

Can you see if this fits your needs?

I removed the totalRow before sorting and put it back afterwards

That's perfect, thank you, you're awesome!

Glad to hear it worked! Closing this issue. Thanks for using the plugin.