- 1
Question: backreference from first
#53 opened by ghetto-ch - 1
- 0
Auto indent snippets after inserting
#50 opened by gpanders - 0
The hasmapto() calls are useless
#38 opened by LemonBoy - 1
Line complete adds whitespace
#42 opened by denarced - 8
- 2
Use `globpath` instead of loop and `glob`
#21 opened by hauleth - 2
Make placeholder optional
#44 opened by tjkirch - 1
Syntax highlighting for final delimeters
#41 opened by sigzero - 1
- 3
- 0
Wrong cursor placement when marker is indented
#37 opened by olmokramer - 2
Snippets for multiple filetypes
#31 opened by chaucerbao - 1
Placeholders without additional input?
#25 opened by teranex - 6
- 2
Maybe remove g:minisnip_trigger?
#12 opened by arp242 - 5
- 2
- 3
Use list instead of symbol delimited string for definition of snippets directories
#20 opened by hauleth - 7
- 0
Show error when pressing <C-x><C-t> and there are no completions for the current word
#15 opened by arp242