#Query tool for Meetup.com

This uses the Meetup python bindings to query Meetup.com on multiple search terms and using multiple filters on the results


Currently has the following dependencies, all available via pip


You will also need an API key for Meetup.com, which you can find from the API link at the bottom of your Profile page


Takes a yaml config file, currently hardcoded as config.yaml in the same directory as the running script

    api_key: 3425161f35704018433cb3a5f17a75
    name_filter: True
    member_filter: True
    event_filter: True
    freq_filter: False
    period: 12
    min_period: 4
    min_members: 300
    min_events: 4
    min_freq: 60
        - openstack
        - mesos
        - docker
        - data science
        - kubernetes
        - flink
        - spark
        - microservices
        - cloud native
        - big data
        - cassandra
        - kafka
        - scala
        - hadoop
        - coreos
        - software circus
        - data engineering
        - devops
        - Manchester
        - Bristol
        - London
        - Birmingham
        - Hamburg
        - Berlin
         - table

api_key - a valid API key for Meetup.com name_filter - apply the defined search keys as a second pass against the actual name of a set of groups. Meetup.com's search API does full text search of body descriptions as well, so returns a lot of results. This gives a further element of specifity. Boolean. member_filter - use the number of members filter. Boolean. min_members - the minimum number of members the member filter will look for. event_filter - use the number of events filter. Boolean. min_events - the minimum number of events a returned group should have. This looks for past events over the entire life of the group. freq_filter - use the frequency of events filter. Boolean min_freq - the minimum frequency of events, counted as average days between events. period_filter - use the period filter. Boolean. period - period of time for the period filter in months. This is back from current date. min_period - the minimum number of events that should have occurred within the defined period.

search_keys - list of search keys to use to search for groups. These are currently concatenated with OR for the purposes of the query. locations - the locations to query. output - output format. Currently only table supported.

TODO implement file or spreadsheet output, implement CLI arguments as well as config file, freeze to binary, improve docs, improve ( add ) error checking