
Advanced file transfer plugin for phonegap

Primary LanguageJava

PhoneLoad plugin

This plugin provides you with an advanced FileTransfer interface. It makes it possible to retrieve status information of a currently running download through a callback and allows you to cancel a running transfer as well. We have added that functionality to the upload function as well, but currently only for the iOS version. Use at your own risk. :o)

Add the plugin to your project


Load the JavaScript code in your HTML file: <script src="phonegap-phoneload-android.js"></script>

Add this line to res/plugins.xml: <plugin name="PhoneLoad" value="biz.sawatzki.phoneload.PhoneLoad"/>

Add the "src" folder to your java classpath.


Load the JavaScript code in your HTML file: <script src="phonegap-phoneload-ios.js"></script>

Add "PhoneLoad.m" and "PhoneLoad.h" to the "Plugins" directory in your Xcode project. Open PhoneGap.plist in your project's "Supporting Files" folder and add a new entry to the "Plugins" dictionary: Use "biz.sawatzki.phoneload" as key and "PhoneLoad" as value (type is "String").

How to use the plugin

var ft = new window.plugins.phoneLoad.FileTransfer();
ft.download(url, target, successCB, errorCB);

The successCB callback is periodically provided with a FileDownloadResult object that looks like this:

{ completed: false, // whether the download is still in progress or not
bytesReceived: 1000, // the amount of bytes already downloaded
bytesTotal: 2000, // the total amount of bytes to load
percentCompleted: 50.0, // for convenience: the overall progress in percent
responseCode: 200, // the HTTP response code

Cancel a running download with the cancel() function:


This will cancel the download and call the errorCB once.