
We aim to develop a simulation for the virus, challenge 0307

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


We aim to develop a simulation for the virus, challenge 0307

There are already multiple simulation approaches that illustrate and explain the spread of the coronavirus. These approaches are to be expanded to include the possibility of simulating the effects of one's own actions on the course of the pandemic. Users can simulate their real or fictitious behaviour and get a reaction how this effects others.

Versions and dependencies:

  • Python version: 3.8
  • pygame>=1.9.6
  • numpy>=1.18.2

Recommended: Create a virtual environment (e.g. using conda) and install all requirements using ´pip install -r requirements.txt´

Repo structure and coding style

  • Every class gets its own file in the classes folder or a subfolder of the classes folder
  • Additional ressources (images, audio, ...) should be put in the res folder
  • Please see the file Coding guidelines

Smiley pictures

Pictures taken from OpenClipart-Vectors auf Pixabay und Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay and http://pngimg.com/download/36231 and http://pngimg.com/download/36229 and http://pngimg.com/download/36097