NgCordova: Angular 4 + Cordova boilerplate

This project is using Angular 4 + Cordova boilerplate configurated to work together so you can start building your great Hybrid Cordova Mobile Apps in Angular 4.


  • Install Node.js from:
  • Install Cordova using: npm install -g cordova
  • Clone ngCordova repository: git clone
  • Go to ngCordova repository: cd ngCordova
  • Install dependencies: npm install

Development server

  • Development project folder is src/. You should start building your Angular 4 app there!
  • Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Build Angular project

  • Run ng build to build the Angular project.
  • The build artifacts will be stored in the www/ directory.
  • Use the -prod flag for a production build.

Adding Cordova platform

  • Go to ngCordova repository: cd ngCordova
  • List available Cordova platforms: cordova platform ls
  • Add a desired platform: cordova platform add [ browser | android | .. ]

Run Cordova app

  • After adding Cordova platform, we can run our app in desired platform: cordova run [ browser | android | .. ]

Build Cordova project

  • Run cordova build [ browser | android | .. ] to build the Cordova project.
  • For example android build .apk is located in: platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/